Pregnancy is a time when you should be especially active. The reason for this is that you have to take care of not only yourself but also the better health of your baby. In such a situation, brisk walking is an excellent and safe exercise for pregnant mothers. It is worth noting that brisk walking is a good exercise for your heart and lungs. This is an exercise that you can easily include in your daily routine. Yes, if walking alone bores you, then you can join a group or go for a walk with your husband. This will not only pass your time better but will also inspire you to walk more.

(Read more - Exercises during pregnancy)

  1. How To Walk During Pregnancy?
  2. What Are The Benefits Of Walking During Pregnancy?
  3. What To Be Careful About While Walking
  4. Pregnant Women Should Also Take Care Of These Things
  5. Summary

How to walk, some useful tips

  • If you do not live an active lifestyle and are not used to walking, then you should not start walking more immediately from the beginning of pregnancy, but should gradually increase the time and speed of your walk.
  • Initially, walk for 15 to 20 minutes at an interval of one day.
  • After that, decide to walk four days a week and increase the walk by five minutes every day.
  • Decide to walk for 20 minutes five days a week.
  • If you are used to physical activities like walking from the beginning, then walk six days a week.
  • Try to walk for 40 minutes every day.
  • If you live a very active lifestyle, then walk for an hour six days a week.
  • To go a short distance, walk instead of using a vehicle, use stairs instead of a lift.

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  • Keeping constipation problem away - Constipation can be a problem due to medicines during pregnancy. In such a situation, a 15 to 20 minute walk every day will keep you away from this problem.
  • Reduces stress - Many women are stressed during pregnancy. Mood swings are also a common problem during this time. Walking is not only a kind of exercise, it also reduces stress. Research shows that the baby also stays healthy with this.
  • Provides energy - Daily walking keeps the body fresh. Even the baby gets exercise when the mother walks.
  • Get good sleep - Walking for a while every day helps in getting good sleep. 
  • To reduce blood pressure - Generally blood pressure increases during pregnancy. Increase in blood pressure can be dangerous for both mother and child. Daily walking keeps blood pressure normal.
  • Increases blood circulation in the body - Daily morning walk fills your lungs with pure air. This helps in the flow of oxygen in your blood and the process of regeneration of blood cells in the body is also better than before.
  • Get physical fitness - Walking during pregnancy keeps you fit and active. This exercises the whole body. Along with this, the muscles also become strong.
  • Baby's health remains better - While walking leads to natural delivery, the baby's weight also remains balanced. Walking tones the hip muscles, as well as increases elasticity in the body. This further increases the chances of safe delivery.
  • There are many other benefits - Many problems like morning sickness, varicose veins, fatigue and pain are reduced by walking regularly. Along with this, daily walk also burns your extra calories so that you can get a good sleep.

(Read more -Pelvic pain during pregnancy)

  • Do not use slippers and sandals, you may slip because of this.
  • Lack of water in the body is not safe for the baby to be born. In such a situation, always carry a bottle of water with you to avoid dehydration.
  • Do not walk in the scorching sun, if there is sunlight then apply sunscreen.
  • While walking, always put your heels first and toes later.
  • Use a maternity belt to maintain your posture during the walk. It will be easily available at your nearest medical store.
  • Drink half a glass of milk or eat half an apple before going for a walk and drink a cup of coconut water after returning from the walk.
  • Be sure to stretch before and after the walk, otherwise you may feel discomfort in your pelvic area.
  • If you feel uneasy while walking, take a break from the walk.
  • If it is very hot outside, then walk indoors.
  • Use stairs instead of elevators but cautiously.

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Walk as comfortably as you can, keep in mind that you neither have to compete with anyone nor improve your fitness level. You just have to walk a certain number of steps to stay active.

Take special care of your balance during this time because due to the protruding belly, gravity can have an effect on you and you can fall. Also, walking is not very easy due to all the weight on the belly.

As we have told you above, stretching is necessary after a walk, so let's talk about some stretching exercises. Regular stretching protects your ligaments and muscles from injury. However, it is important to do them very carefully so that you do not get any strain.

  • Hamstring Stretch - Hamstring (vein behind the knee) muscles are in the back part of our leg above the knee. Lie down near the outer corner of a wall or door. As shown in the picture. Lift your left leg and leave the heel against the wall and bend the left knee slightly. Remain in this position until you feel tension in the back of the thigh of your left leg. Maintain this position for 30 seconds. Now repeat this process with the other leg.

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  • Quadriceps Stretch - The quadriceps muscles are in the front part of the thigh. Stand so close to a wall that you can take its support. Hold the ankle of your left leg tightly and pull the heel of the same leg backwards until you feel tension in the front part of the thigh. Maintain this position for 30 seconds. Now repeat this process with the other leg. By doing this stretching exercise, the abdominal muscles become tight and the knees of both the legs come closer. Note that while you need rest during pregnancy, it is also very important to stay active. Walking is a great way to exercise without making any special efforts, so do not neglect it at all. Even after delivery, if possible, keep up your walking practice regularly. This will not only keep you healthy but also happy.

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Walking during pregnancy is a safe and effective exercise, which provides many health benefits. It not only helps in weight control, but also strengthens the muscles of pregnant women and increases energy levels. Regular walking improves blood circulation, which reduces fatigue and swelling. Apart from this, it also improves mental health, helps in reducing stress and anxiety. Walking increases stamina during delivery and also makes the recovery process easier. Overall, walking during pregnancy is beneficial for both mother and baby.

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